OK this Guide is for the events, some newbies is asking me "Hey sir what are we going to do in this event" well this is your chance to know Lets get Started!
The Reaction Event:
Ok this event is challenging your reaction skill
How do we do this?:
well when the NPC says "CLICK CLICK CLICK!!!" click the NPC as fast as you can and be sure you are the first one who click him and then after that you will win the event , But beware of some cheater players some players whisper you or PM you saying CLICK CLICK CLICK!!! so watch out and be careful
The Poring Event:
this event is challenging your eyes if its fast and good
How do we do this?
u gonna do this by finding the right poring and kill it , and watch out for the fake one some poring have the name p@ring,p0ing,poing,por|ng, so watch out.
The RFYL event(AKA Run For Your Life!!!!!)
this event challenge your survivability
How do we do this?:
Very very simple just avoid the monster and stay alive as long as you can just make sure that the monster wont kill you or else you will be eliminated.
The Novice vs. Zombie event
this event is same as the RFYL(Run For Your Life) but only smaller map
The Stop the Clock at 1000 event:
This event challenge your timing
How do we do this?:
Here's how you play this one you need PERFECT timing, the NPC is gonna coun slowly from 100 and as he counts its getting faster and faster , click him at exactly 1000 and you will win
The Flower event:(thx for letting me know whats the purpose of this conejo)
this event challenge how fast you are
how do we play this:
Kill 20 plants as soon as posiible and as fast as you can
The Domination Event:
This event challenge how fast u click the mouse
How do we play this?:
Just click the NPC as many as u can until u win LOL easy huh?
The King of emperium event:
challenge how fast you go to the emperium
How do we play this:
U will start at the top and u need to make your way in to the emperium and break the emperium when it shows up. By the Way u need a guild to enter this event
i hope this helps LOL, Pls. leave a comment no trashtalks pls.. and yeah i will update this whenever new event is released.